Help us

Donate Now!

Want to help Aalf ? The best way of offering your support is to donate, or to start an AALF Giving Group in your community. Also, please refer to “other ways to help” to see how you can connect AALF with the resources we need. You can also purchase AALF’s music CD *Mr Mensah* written and composed By Collins Woode. or adopt a grand mum or a grand dad.

If you are interested in working with us, please consider applying for a position

Other Ways To Help

More than anything, AALF needs your donations to continue its work. If you want to help in other ways, we encourage you to consider the options below.

Wish List

Buy a cd

AALF Giving Group

Wish List

While AALF is most in need of funding for its projects, there may be other ways you can help us in the pursuit of our mission.

Due to the high costs of shipping overseas, AALF generally prefers to receive cash donations rather than in-kind (material) donations because cash donations allow us to save money on shipping and purchase locally-produced materials at a cheaper price. Still, there are several items and partnerships that we are currently looking to acquire in Europe,, . If you are able to help fulfil any of the following needs, please email and a staff member will get in touch with you for coordination. Like cash donations, in-kind donations are tax deductable.

In Kind Goods  

Laptop computers

Computer skills are highly sought-after in AALF’S work , as they offer volunteers higher marketability when the time comes to secure new jobs or seek information.

In order to train volunteers in computer skills, AALF needs durable, functional laptop computers

Used Laptops are welcome if they are in working condition.

Computer software

To increase the capacity of our computer training centers and to offer educational resources to the student volunteers populations we serve, AALF uses its computer centers as information resource access points where students volunteers can look for information they need in their studies

We currently need reference software, educational games, and similar computer software that can be used to learn about any variety of subjects.


Shipping Sponsor – Because AALF is so geographically diverse, we often rely on shipping to transport materials. This expense cuts into funds that, if sponsored, would go directly toward AALF’s mission and operations. We’re currently aiming to secure shipping sponsors for both domestic and international shipping.

Air Travel Sponsor – On average, AALF flies 8 round trip flights from Africa to Europe each year. These expenses, while necessary to our work, would directly support our work if they were sponsored.

Vehicle Sponsor – AALF relies heavily on vehicles. We use bicycles and ambulances to get around, but our vehicles are instrumental in the transport of supplies and materials to remote locations . We’re currently looking for a vehicle sponsor to purchase the requisite vehicles for AALF.

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